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Food id fuel. Food also provides your body the tools to protect, build and heal itself.

We are extraordinarily lucky because we can access almost any kind of food regardless of the season or where we live. This abundance allows us great possibilities in health, strength and well-being.

Think of it this way: exercise keeps us fit and healthy on the outside, while the right foods keep us fit and healthy on the inside.

Individualised plans to stay fit and healthy:

  • Your body likely has its distinct needs and these needs can and will change. Similarly, you might have specific tastes and avoid certain foods.
  • As a nutrition consultant I can assess and recommend the optimal food types and amounts that best suit your goals.
  • As a nutrition consultant and a realist, I naturally respect and accommodate your various preferences, potential allergies and the practicalities of your day-to-day life.

  • I can assist you in understanding the rhythm of your body and hormones, and – effectively – teach you how to work with your body rather than against it.

  • Life is a lottery. Despite our best efforts, sometimes we will get sick. But we can minimise the risk and enjoy an all-powerful sense of well-being with the right foods in the right amounts, and even at the right time.

  • With optimal nutrition complementing mindful movements/exercises, we can prevent many medical issues that can otherwise severely compromise your quality of life.

Moreover; aside lowing blood pressure, reducing the risk of diabetes, losing fat while improving muscle strength and tone, you will also enjoy greater energy, an improved mood, better sleep and clearer skin!

Sport training

As a sport scientist I’m passionate about body awareness and how healthy and beneficial movement can easily be implemented within our everyday activities.

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As a nutrition consultant I can assess and recommend the optimal food types and amounts that best suit your goals.

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Therapy exercises

Exercise not only helps our body, it also stimulates our cognitive function and improves our mood. I prefer exercising outdoors in the fresh air.

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I can help you cultivate healthy behaviours that promote and enhance harmony, well-being and success.

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